Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Weekend......

We decided to head up to Preston, ID, for the Easter weekend. Everybody was excited to go and visit family. Julia was most excited about the egg hunts!

It was fun. We started off Saturday with a neighborhood egg hunt. They went from yard to yard to collect eggs. Christian couldn't wait for it to start so he decided to head off early and gather as many as he could. He especially liked all the green eggs. It was too cute...he found so many he couldn't carry them all. He was excited to see what each egg had inside. Julia took off with grandpa and came back with a basket full of eggs. She had a great time!

At noon grandma and grandpa had a big egg hunt in the yard for all the grandkids. They had gotten about 200 eggs so it was a free-for-all! I think the kids got more easter candy than they did at halloween but they loved it. They also each got either a big gold or silver egg. They had to bring their eggs over to the table and open them up. Each one was empty. Grandpa asked why all the eggs were empty and what the true meaning of Easter was. The kids all had the right answers, "The tomb was empty." "Christ was resurrected." "He died for us." 

And their off.........


The reason for the empty egg.

A happy boy

Miss Olivia

Baskets full of eggs and all smiles!
Easter morning the kids got to put on their new easter outfits. Julia loved her dress and they both looked so cute in their matching purple. (My camera has issues so of course the pictures are not the best)
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Handsome little boy!

Julia and Grandma Cromwell

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