Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Day at the Pool!

Saturday we took Julia swimming for the 1st time! She loved it. She is certainly in her element, in the water that is! She didn't hesitate at all and was soon splashing and kicking her way around the pool. Looks like she loves the water. I can tell most of our upcoming summer days will be spent at the pool, keeping cool and Julia entertained!!

On the Move

Julia is finally crawling. At the beginning of May she was still just pushing herself backwards and with 2 weeks she was up and crawling. And she is on the move! She never could just sit still while sitting or lying down.....always kicking her legs and moving the arms like she is going to take off flying. So now its offical.......SHE'S ON THE MOVE.......non-stop!!! Completely wears me out. I have to put her in her saucer, swing or high chair just to get a break sometimes. She hasn't mastered pulling herself up yet but she is close. She gets on her knees and then will get stuck ......just doesn't know quite what to do next. Its fun to see her learning each day......but now its all down hill.....Julia is mover and a shaker......WATCH OUT WORLD.......HERE I COME!!!