Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Well, just a little update on my last post. Christian didn't need to have a cast. We went into the doctor and he showed me the x-ray and it was a tiny fracture by his ankle. Typically, in an adult that break, along the growth plate, would cause complications and take about 6-8 weeks to heal. But because Christian is strong and healthy it has almost already healed. So we took the splint off and he bore a little weight on it. You could tell he was happy to have that splint off his leg. He is still favoring it a bit but it doesn't seem to be bothering him to much. We still have a little splint we can put on him if he needs it. So some good news and a bit of relief!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Poor Kid

Well, just one more thing to add to the chaos in our life. I need a re-do on the month of September. Christian had a mishap with the bed the other night. He fell off the bed. He seemed ok until the next day when I noticed after his late afternoon nap that something was wrong with his leg. He winched and cried when I was changing his diaper and moving his legs around and noticed he wasn't putting any weight on his leg. He was tring to stand put wasn't able to. So I called the doctor and they told me to come in. They examined him and wrapped his leg in a splint. We then had to make a run to the hospital to get some x-rays. And the results are that it is a fracture of the lower tibia. UGH!!!! We have to keep him in the splint until we see the doctor on Tuesday. We had to be referred to an Orthopedic doctor because the fracture is along a growth plate. Hopefully we will just have to cast the leg and it will heal just fine and not hinder his progress any. But you never know? Fingers crossed we don't have to worry about future complications or surgery to fix it.

Despite having the splint on, Christian is in good spirits. He is still army crawling around the house. I can tell he gets frustrated when he tries to pull him self up and stand, which he is not able to do. He gets stuck somethings and can't roll or move to the right, which is the fractured leg, so he cries and gets upset. I feel bad for him. He was just learning to stand and walk along the furniture and now he can't. I hope his leg heals quickly so he can get back to being himself.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Ok..... the last 2 weeks have flown by but not without interruption or chaos ensuing! 2 weeks ago I woke up at 5am to hear water running. I thought to myself, "Why is the bathtub water running?" So I go into Julia's room and from her window a stream of water is pouring out onto the floor. I ran to get Layne and we rushed into the room and started moving all of Julia's stuff out of the water path. Julia finally woke up and we got her out of the room just in time to have the whole window bust open and have the flooding occur. Broken glass and water up to your ankles at 5 am much fun. A sprinkler pipe had broken and had filled up the huge window well and the pressure was to much so it broke. We had to call the neighbors upstairs to turn off the water because it was still coming through the window. The flood had reached all the way out to about 1/2 of the living room and both the bedrooms and bathroom. What a mess! So we made a few phone calls to insurance and the rental people and got things moving. I took a suitcase and the kids over to my sisters house for the day until we checked into our hotel room. Good thing we had renters insurance because we had a few things damaged and they will pay for any expenses due to living elsewhere while they fix the house.

So later that day we all checked into a hotel room. It was actually pretty nice. It had a little kitchen area, free breakfast every morning, a swimming pool and enough beds for everybody to rest easy!

We played a lot of 'go-fish' and 'match game'

It was bearable but by day 5-7 I had had enough. Everyone was just on top of each other and just stir crazy. But while we were staying at the hotel we actually found another place to live. Layne drove to my sisters in Alpine, the day we got flooded, and drove right by a little duplex. We both went to look at it and both really, really liked it. It's just like a having a little house. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, with a garage and a huge unfinished basement, and a huge fenced in back yard. Its really nice and so we made a call. So we made a decision and decided to just move into a new place instead of going back to the basement of the house we were living in. We had some help from family to move in. It took a few days but it's been so worth it. So we are officially moved and we love it already! We still have lots of organizing and putting things away but we are settling in just great. The kids love the space, Layne loves the garage and backyard, and I love the fact that I actually have daylight coming in my windows for a change! I love it!

Julia on the swings in the backyard

Along with the flood and the move we've had to deal with a broken toe, Layne getting a new job, conjunctivitis, an embarrassing lose to Utah, a few iron infusions and a trip to the emergency room for Layne's cold. The cold is passing through our house and hopefully we ALL we be over it soon. Hopefully we all have the right medications to get us feeling better. Its been a LONG couple of weeks BUT in spite of it all things are looking UP! Just when you think you can't handle any more the gray skies start to part and the sun starts shining through.........OR.........

Pictures are coming.....the camera cords are misplaced due to the move.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Christian 9 Months

Christian turned 9 months old today. I took Christian in for his 9 month check and he is doing awesome. Growing up so dang fast I can't believe it. I don't know where I put the stat sheet for him but I know that his weight was 18.5 lbs. He is healthy and doing great and a little ahead of schedule with his progress. He can already pull himself up and stand and he is getting better at walking along the couch or between my legs. He can army crawl like no other, especially when he sees something he really wants, he just takes off. He is quick and is always on the move. He has a hard time when he is tired though, he just lays on his tummy and rocks back and forth as if to say, "Mom, I'm tired, come and get me." He refuses to crawl to you. Just his way of letting you know he is in charge.

Standing up
At about 8.5 months he had all 4 top teeth coming in at once. So those are almost all in and he has 2 more bottom teeth on their way. He handles it pretty well. Right before the teeth break through is the worst for him and me. We both don't get much sleep at night. But its fun to see all those teeth when he smiles :)  Sleeping for Christian hasn't improved at night. He still wakes up a couple of times and then is up between 7-7:30am. He doesn't really like to rock to sleep anymore. I think he just likes to lay down and get comfortable, which is usually on his tummy with his head smashed up against the crib. He does well at nap time and I'm grateful he takes about 2 a day to give me a little break!

Such big blue eyes and chubby cheeks

The doctor said to let him eat regular food and stop the baby food. So it's the transition phase. Trying new things out and trying them often so Christian gets use to the same food. He loves cinnamon or regular graham crackers, ritz crackers, fruity puffs, and Cheerios. He also likes yogart. After staying in a hotel for a week he got to have it for breakfast each morning. So that is another favorite. I still give him some baby food and he still loves it. Usually some fruit in the mornings. He loves to sit in his high chair and slam on the tray. Most of the food ends up on the floor but at least he enjoys himself.

He loves to play with Julia and grab her hair. He just loves hair I think. He is always trying to grab mine as well and everyone else he sees. He loves to go after and grab anything Julia is playing with or doing at the time. Julia is pretty patient and is willing to share and take turns with him. They love bath time. Its fun to see Christian swim around the tub. He doesn't like to just sit in one spot and play with toys, he is always on his tummy, pushing himself around the tub, like its his own swimming pool. Julia has a hard time staying out of his way. Its fun to hear Christian talk too. He babbles and laughs all the time. I love to hear him try to make new sounds. First thing people say about Christian is, "Look at those cheeks or look at those big blue eyes." He is such a charmer just like daddy. He always has a smile for everyone.

He really wanted the pooh bear..........

and he got him!

Best Friends.....I ♥ those baby blues!
Favorite thing at bedtime a little bottle and his pillow

Standing and Pulling himself up
Bath time
Julia's hair
Bottles at bedtime
Eating "people" food

Crawling when tired
Having teeth come in
Not being able to pull himself up when he wants

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Picture of the Day

 Does this look comfortable to you? Christian is taking after his sister in the crazy sleeping positions category!

The Trophy

Layne had his yearly PPA games and once again came home with the overall trophy. 3 out of the last 4 years and as Layne says that's called a DYNASTY! He also brought home the green jacket once again. So he came home pretty happy. So did Julia, she was so excited and all she could talk about was her dad's trophy for the next couple of days. Layne had said that she had asked to polish the trophy for him. He said no it was ok but she insisted. She took a wipe and proceeded to polish it all up for Layne. I got a good laugh out of that one. She sure was proud of daddy!