My baby boy turned 3 while we were in Disneyland. We started off his birthday over Thanksgiving with my family and then had a great day at the Disney parks with Gma and Gpa Cromwell. He got to open a few presents and then we headed off for breakfast.
He got a new Mickey shirt and jeans, a mickey remote control car, and some new rescue bots. Later on when we met up with Andy and Whitney for lunch at Pizza Planet he got a cool new Buzz Lightyear "shoot" gun (as he calls it). No cake this time around but plenty of Mickey bars to celebrate his big day. Those were probably his favorite thing to eat while we were there!
Our birthday breakfast. Christian had some fruit and chocolate milk. Later on he had his first Mickey bar.
He got to meet some very fun people on his birthday. He actually saw them twice. Julia, Layne and I were on a ride and gma and gpa took Christian around to see them by himself. Then after the ride Julia wanted to see them to and so Christian had to come too. It was so cute to see him with each character. He gave Tigger the biggest hug. So cute!
I knew Christian really wanted to meet Donald Duck. We saw all the characters out and about but Christian was sleeping and if you don't want him to be grumpy, don't wake him up early. But I did anyway. He was not having any of it. He was crying and wanted to hide. We got to Donald and told him Christian was just being a little grumpy but really wanted to meet him. Donald pointed and nodded agreeing that he, too, was a little grumpy! But, at least he got to meet him.
This was Mickey bar #2 for the big birthday boy. We had to have a treat before the big parade! And that's how we ended his big day. We watched all the characters in the Christmas parade. It was so fun to watch him and wave at everybody and say hi. When he saw Buzz he got out his new gun and was trying hard to shoot at buzz. He loved it. It was a great day!

A Few things to know about Christian:
*His favorite colors are green and orange.
*He still loves to be rocked at nap time.
*He still carries around his kitty cat and blanket .
*Christian always asks if I will sing songs about dragons and fire or spiders etc. So I have to just make them up on the fly.
*He has a hard time getting to bed at night when I'm at work. Each time I come home he comes out to greet me and give me a hug and kiss.
*He comes into my room every morning and has his juice and watches something on the tablet.
*His favorite shows are: Paw Patrol, Team Umi Zoomi, Bubble Guppies and Henry Huggle Monster.
*Christian is still learning to use the potty and is getting better at it each day.
*He loves anything that has to do with robots, cars, guns, swords. ALL BOY!
*Christian shows some athletic ability. He is really good at hitting a baseball and kicking a soccer ball.
*He LOVES to have Daddy chase him around and wrestle with him. He is always saying to daddy, "Come and get me!"
*He is so loving. He loves to give high fives, rocks, hugs, kisses and his most favorite thing licks!
*Our favorite thing to say before bed is, "Go Cougars, Go Blue, I Love You!"
*He is so rough and tough. He takes a lickin and keeps on tickin! This year alone he has had stitches on his forehead and staples in his head.
*Reverse psychology works so well on Christian. Especially when we have to get him to eat. We tell him, "Hey, don't eat my meatballs", or "You can't eat 2 more bites." Tell him NOT to do it and he will???
*Even though he gets on Julia's nerves most days they really do play well together. They play pretend and make each other laugh. They love to dance around and do pirouettes in the kitchen with their socks on.
*Favorite this to drink is chocolate milk and root beer.
*He likes to eat bread sticks, mini oranges, yogurt, coco puffs, black olives, pb&j, meatballs.
*2 of Christians most favorite things to eat are pickles and pistachio nuts.
*Christian is so very energetic and gets really charged up when he is around people. He is fast and hard to catch if he gets to far ahead of you.
*When he gets mad he has a little pouty face and usually folds his arms and stomps one foot.
*He loves to say the prayer and usually starts before we are all gathered around and ready.
*He still takes a good long nap during the day but only makes it harder for him to sleep at night.
*He loves to talk about his cousins Austin and Eli and Jane. He loves to play with them.
*He still has the biggest cheeks and big blue eyes and still gets complements on them.
*Christian is so animated. He has some silly faces and the best smile. He can communicate very well and loves to ask questions.
*For the most part Christian is pretty mellow, easy going and usually drama free.
*He loves to try and dress himself. He tries his best!
*He does not like to wear clothes at home. His home attire is a pair of underwear and maybe a t-shirt. And every time we put a long sleeve shirt on he wants me to roll up the sleeves. And its really hard to get him to wear a coat if we leave the house.
We love you Christian and we are so glad you are a part of our family. You make life worth living. I'm glad I got a little boy! You are such a joy to have around!