Well, Layne did it! He said if the Giants get to the National League playoffs I'm going! So he did and took me along. The last 2 years the Giants went to the playoffs to go on to the win the World Series he regretted not going so he said not this year! It's been so fun to watch them play over the last few years and become a fan! It is actually torture to watch them play but they play with heart and play as a team and some how pull it off! The weekend before we left we went to see what Giants gear they had at the store and got everybody something! To say we don't have any superstition in our house would be a lie, lets just leave it at that!
We made it a day trip. We left at 5am and got back about 11pm. It was a crazy, fun, exciting day! We hit the local transportation and that was an experience in and of its self! The BART. Just as crowded as a subway, standing room only, at least in the morning. We were in Oakland and had to cross under the bay to get to San Francisco. So yes, we took the tunnel under the water. Couldn't think about that one to long or I would get panicky. Made it safely to San Francisco and walked for miles to eat and take in the sights. Grab a trax type of train to get to the stadium earlier enough to walk around before the game. Layne was giddy and so excited. He just kept saying, "I can't believe I've never been here." Or, "I can't believe I'm finally here!" I was happy for him.

We walked around the stadium and took it all in. It's amazing how much smaller the ball park/field actually looks in person than on TV. It looks so huge on TV. We walked down behind home plate and got some pictures. We found out that the Coke bottle in the background is actually a slide little kids can go down. We got to go down behind the right field gate and look around. We took our seats over on the left field side. Every seat in the park looks like a great seat. It was awesome just being there. The excitement in the air. Everyone dressed in orange and black. The anticipation!

The Giants came out on fire. 4 runs right off the bat. Then it was torture the rest of the way. (Now Layne could tell you who was on base and who was up with so and so on deck but I cannot so here is the gist). By the 9th inning it was all tied back up. I was thinking to myself, "I came all this way, you guys better pull this off and win!" I'm sure Layne was thinking this too. So in the 10th inning Giants win with a walk off bunt! A bunt, of all things! Blanco bunts back to the pitcher and he over throws the ball to first. I just saw the ball soar past first base and the stadium exploded I didn't even see what happened next. You just knew what happened.....we had just WON! I was squashed in between Layne and the guy next to me embraced in a high 5 bear hug. Wow! It was so awesome. It's so much better to experience those moments in person! It made the trip worth it!
Layne checking his pulse after we WON! |
After winning the National League Title it was off to the World Series. It was a great World Series to watch. And we watched every game!
Superstitions that we held strong to each game:

* Julia wore her shirt every night to bed.
* Christian would chant "Buster Posey" or "Kung Fu Panda" all the time.
* Every time Hunter Pence got up to bat I would have to say something to the effect of "come on crazy eyes."
*Layne said he would eat licorice each game and didn't wash his Giants shirt.
I guess it paid off!