Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pictures of the Week

This is what Julia does when she finds the camera and plays with it without me knowing about it :)

Julia is so silly, smart, creative and funny. Today she got to give the scripture in primary. She was very confident and wasn't scared at all. She loved it :) I'm glad it was a good experience for her.

Conversation today with Julia after church:

Julia: Mom, thanks for helping me in primary with my scripture today.......but Sis. Noot (her primary teacher) didn't see it.

Me: Why not?

Julia: She was talking to the guys in black and then she came to my class and I got white gum. You know the guys who wear black.

Me: Guys in black, what is that?

Julia: You know the guys we see in the black....missionaries.

Me: Oh, she was talking to the missionaries

Julia: Yep.

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