Layne surprised all of us with a trip to Disneyland this week. He told me a couple of days before we planned on leaving so I could pack and get ready! Good thinking on his part or I would have been frazzled! But we got the kids up Tuesday morning as planned like they were going to school and while they were eating breakfast Layne asked, "if you could go anywhere today where would you want to go?" Julia says, "I don't know, Disneyland, why?" Layne answers, "Well, how about we go to Disneyland then?!" I think the kids thought he was joking or kidding around. They kinda just sat there and then Julia was getting excited and said, "No way, really?!" "Yea, really, we are going on a plane this morning." Layne said
So off we went. Christian's first ride on a plane. He was excited to get on the shuttle to get to the airport to checking in and to get on the plane. He was totally amped up, as usual! It's so fun to see their excitement and see them experience things for the first time.
We landed and rode in a taxi van to the Californian Resort which was on property. It was a one night stay but we wanted to experience it. Christian took a cat nap in the van so he would be ready to hit some rides. Tuesday was the only day the park would be open late so we needed to take full advantage of it. We checked in and headed up to the room to drop off our bags and freshen up a bit. We had a queen size bed and a bunk bed in our room for the kids. They thought that was awesome. Christian noticed some chocolates on the pillows and the following was said:
"I wish Jesus was here so I could share my chocolates and sit on my bunk bed!"
We all kinda stopped and looked at each other for a minute and Layne said, " I am glad we can think of Jesus even at Disneyland." That was so sweet Christian, I will always remember that one!
So off to the park we went. Picked up a stroller and headed off to the rides! Buzzlightyear and then off to Space Mountain. The kids were both big enough to go one it. The picture captured on the ride says it all. Julia sitting still in the front seat looking like she is about to vomit and Christian in tears next to dad. Layne filmed them getting off. Julia is dead silent and walks right by as he asks how did you like that Julia? Nothing. Christian, again is in tears and Layne asks if he liked it and he says yeah and Layne asks if he wants to go on it again and he says "one more time." Too funny!

Next we had to get a Mickey bar. Everybody was dying to get a Mickey bar. Stopped rest before we hit all the other big rides. Next was Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain. Splash Mountain was fun. The last big hill got Christian for sure. He says he doesn't like it but he keeps going back for more! But Big Thunder Mountain! WOW! He loved it ! Layne videoed the first ride and it was awesome. He is such a ham! Julia and Christian rode with their hands up and were laughing and screaming the whole time. I think dad was the loudest on that ride! That was our favorite ride this trip! Good memories were made! We also hit Winnie the Pooh and Tea Cups. Before heading home for the night we had to stop in to see our favorite character of all....MICKEY!
You can't tell by his face but this is one of his favorite rides!
The next morning we got up early and headed over to California Adventure to be one of the firsts on Lightning McQueens Ride. Not much of a wait and it was so fun. Anything fast and in a car is fun! We also hit Woodys game and Jumpin Jellyfish, and of course Little Mermaid. Julia and I decided to try California Screamin together while Layne waited with Christian. As soon as we took off Julia was terrified, yelling the whole time, "I want to get off, I want to get off this ride!" I kept telling her to yell something, just laugh, it's okay. I don't think it was working all that well. I couldn't enjoy the ride all that well, I was to worried about Julia. It was a little to fasted paced for her. Maybe in a few years it might be more her speed, sorry Jules!

We did meet quite a few characters on our way over to the Tower of Terror. Donald Duck was first. He was very playful. Christian was always a little hesitant but Donald would hold out his hand or wave him over and then Christian would give him a big hug. Donald kept messing up Christian's hair and tugging on his shirt. High fives before we left.
Julia and I don't much care for the Tower of Terror but we thought we would go for Christian's first ride. He had no idea. Innocent as can be. Rode up the elevator got in the seat, all fine and dandy until......well you all know what happens..........and then all you can hear is crying! You can image what happens after we get off the ride. "Mom, dad, I do not like that ride! I don't like Tower of Terror!" Hey, at least he tried it, right?! I don't think Julia will ever go on it again either!

We had a character breakfast one morning and the kids loved it. We sat outside and ate all we wanted. The kids took their time eating because it a guessing game of who was coming out the doors next and to our table. Let's just say they were too excited to eat....I don't blame them. We did see a lot of characters that morning. Minnie, Capt'n Hook, E'ore, and Pooh. We chased down Pooh and cornered him. He was fun and actually was cute with the kids. Layne started beat boxing a little and Pooh started to dance around. Everyone laughed and clapped!
Christian was a little scared of Capt'n Hook and Hook was trying to catch Julia around the neck that's why she is holding back his hook!
Well, we followed after grandpa Cromwell's tradition this time in Disney and took a ride on every vehicle we could. Trains, buses, cars and trollies! We loved it! On the old fire engine the kids were able to ring the bell on the back.....that didn't get old! We was a great way to relax and see main street. The double decker gives you a great view of the castle! While waiting for the train, one of the ladies with her conductor hats took some family photos and gave Julia her hat to wear. She thought that was pretty cool!
Other adventures in Disney:
We climbed up Tarzan's tree house.
We relaxed in the tiki room and finally tried our first doll whip! Christian loved it!
Christian tried with ALL his might to pull the sword from the stone but to no avail.
Layne and Christian took some father son time while Julia and I shopped. They met Goofy and rode Casey Jr.
Pluto harassed Christian! It was hilarious!
We actually had to wait to ride Pirates???
We had tons of Mickey bars!
We left exhausted and happy!