Thursday, March 3, 2016

Provo Temple Open House..........

A few years ago the Provo Tabernacle caught on fire and was completely destroyed except the outer walls and one stained glass window of Christ. So one General Conference, President Monson was announcing new temples to be built and he announced that the old Provo Tabernacle would become the 2nd temple in Provo. You could hear an audible gasp in the audience. Everyone was so excited. I think because such a historic landmark wasn't going to be lost but rebuilt.

So once it was rebuilt after a few years it was ready for everyone to go through and see what they had done to turn it into a temple. It was beautiful. They added levels to it and it contained a lot of wood inside. Beautifully carved wood, reminiscent of the time period that the tabernacle had been originally built. They also kept the original stained glass window of Christ with the sheep. They only had to replace a few pieces. It was wonderful to be able to walk through with my family and to have them be able to see the inside of the temple knowing that hopefully they will want to return someday.

Afterwards we got some pictures to capture the day.

 The Christus Statue is always a high light. The kids love to 
go up the Jesus and look at his hands and feet and touch him.

 Christian just off by himself doing his thing

The Angel Moroni

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