Helping get my mom's flower beds ready for planting.

HARD WORK: Now in these pictures I don't remember specifically doing this but I'm sure it was some Saturday and some things needed to be done out in the yard. So dad probably recruited us to help out! I can't believe I'm carrying that much dirt all by myself.....that must have been heavy!
One thing I remember growing up was WORKING HARD! My dad taught me that and obviously at a young age. Our motto usually went like this....."We work hard first and then we play later." If work needed to be done we always did that first before we could sit and play or watch T.V. and it was usually Saturdays! I'm sure we moaned and murmured quite a bit but we always got to play later! I always remember helping plant and weed our garden. Going to the welfare farms and pulling weeds. Putting in our split rail fence and planting trees. It wasn't always fun or easy but it was all worth it in the end. When we were young it was usually a slush or ice cream to reward us for our efforts and as I got older it was the pure satisfaction of making something look better or accomplishing something that was long and tiring and you thought it would never end. All the body aches and beening so tired by the end of the day but it was all worth it.....just like anything in life I guess. You have to put in the effort and really commit and work hard.
"Work is the price of success, and it is essential in the building of character. Work protects us from the consequences of idleness, and it is the standard of excellence in every field. From the farmers of yesterday to the superstar athletes of today, the work ethic is the difference between the success and failure. Great people and super performers understand the value of working hard and working smart."
Thank you dad for teaching me at a young age to work hard. It has certainly carried over into everything that I do. I hope that I can teach my own children the importance of hard work!
"I learned the value of hard work by working hard!" ~Margaret M. Fitzpatrick