Monday: We got together and played kid games and made cookies. Kids had fun and enjoyed playing games. The cookies were yummy too! A little Twister, Guess Who, and Some new Mustache game? It was a nice day outside too so they got to play in the sandbox and swing on the swings! It made for a fun first day of spring break!
Wednesday: Was craft day with Aunt Amy. Amy finds all these fun easy crafts to do for all the kids on Pintrest and then buys all the supplies and then we have a craft day. They love it! She had lots for the kids to do. Beaded snakes, Canvas pictures, Marble races, microwavable soap, and we made t-shirts. Even the adults get in on the action too. Its a lot of fun. We LOVE craft days!!
Only dove soap will work for the microwave. Put it in for 30 sec. to a minute and it starts to foam up. It's pretty cool and you can even reuse it. Just store it in a plastic baggie. It looks like snow afterwards.

Making the shirts and then the final product!
Thursday: We went rollerskating. All the kids know how to roller skate except Christian but you can take scooters so we were all set. All the kids decided to wear their new t-shirts they made from the day before. It was cool because it was all black lighted in the rink and they all were lite up and they were easy to find! I have not been roller skating since I was probably in my teens. Once we got everybody laced up and ready to go Kristy let me have a few practice rounds by myself. I had to slowly go around. WOW, I felt old. But, by the end of it I was back in the swing of it. I just had to get my feet under me. It was so fun. Brought back a lot of memories from back in the day when we would go probably every week to the Fenton roller rink and skate. It was so fun, I can't wait to go again. The kids loved it to. They requested songs and played tag. Christian did a good job keeping up on his scooter. When he got tired he would stop and get a drink and sit down to rest and then just keep on going. It was really great because hardly anyone was there. We practically had the place to ourselves. It was a great activity!
Friday: We pretty much stayed home for the day and the kids just played around the house. When dad got home we went to a little near by camping/park and decided to roast some hotdogs for dinner and hangout for little while and enjoy the night. The kids found some trees to hang out in and we walked along the river and watched the ducks swim. It was a great way to end our spring break!
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