Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Carving Pumpkins.........

This tradition never gets old. Each year someone seems to experience it differently than the year before. We went pumpkin hunting at Macey's this year because they always seem to have a huge selection and besides the kids love to climb the mounds of pumpkins just to find the right one!

Everyone gutted their own pumpkin. The twins at first didn't want to 
touch it but then got into it with a little prodding. Christian had a big grin on his
face before I captured these 2 here. He was all happy to dig in and put his arm in.
As soon as he felt the ooshy, gooshy, slim I think he felt differently. Eventually, he 
started using a spoon to scrape out the inside. But we had a good laugh because of his face.

Even Layne got in on the action this year. Usually we have a big pumpkin carving party with cousins but didn't have the time this year. So it was just a little family event. Small and simple...kinda nice actually! It was fun and the pumpkins turned out SPOOOOKY!

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