For FHE the other night Layne had an activity planned to go outside with a paper bag and have Julia collect things in 'nature.' Then she could bring them inside and feel their texture and smell them etc. Well it was FHE meltdown as usual with Julia so he went the next night with Julia. They came inside and she was touching all her stuff she found and putting each one up to her nose and smelling them with a big inhale and then a big exhale with an added AAHHHHH effect at the end! It was so funny. Well the next day after Julia's nap she got her shoes on and we went out to collect more stuff. She wanted to find more'nature' as she calls it....we got inside and she made me sit at the table and pull all her stuff out and with the same over emphasis smelled everything and ended with a big AAHHH! I was laughing so hard. I got a few pictures to capture the moment.