Monday, April 4, 2011

Christian 4 months

Christian is growing and growing! We got the stats from the doctor today and he is up to 14 lbs. 8 oz. and he is 24.5 inches long! He has a big head just like Julia :) His weight and head circumference are in the 75%. So he is doing very well!

He is starting to move. If he could take off he would. Christian is constantly moving, always kicking his legs and rolling from side to side. He hasn't rolled over yet but he is certainly on his way! His new thing that has started is putting his hands in his mouth and chewing or sucking on them. Doesn't like the binki but loves his hands!

Christian loves to sleep and eat as any growing boy loves to do! He loves his big sister and is always smiling at her. Last night we put them in the bath together. We asked her to hold him up so we could get a picture for his first time in the big tub. He's getting to big for the bathroom sink! He loves to have things to look at and loves to sit in the 'pink' bouncy chair and just kick his legs and look at the toys. He loves to swing still and usually will fall asleep listening to the music it plays for him. 

Christian is still a very smily boy. He smiles at everybody and has even started to laugh a little. I love it when he wakes up happy and just smiles and talks to you. He has periods where he just sits and just talks and talks. Its so fun to hear him. He loves Daddy a lot too! Every time Layne walks by or talks Christian is looking around for him. When he is upset in the car I can usually quiet him down by singing or saying his name over and over. I guess he just wants to know someone is there! I just love this little guy. He is getting so big so fast! He is beginning to explore the world around him a little more and its fun to see!

Bouncy Chair
Putting Hands in his mouth

Not a huge fan of the car seat
Still won't take a binki
Being left alone to long without attention

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