Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Even with the banning of fireworks in Alpine we have a fire. They don't know yet how it started but its just sad to see the beautiful picturesque mountains go up in flames. It started off close to homes but then the wind and dry timber just carried it up the mountain side and up and over the ridge line. You can see the fire from out our front window. I ventured outside to get some pictures. Its amazing how quickly this fire spread. Within about 10-15 mins it went from small to huge with billowing smoke. It truly is a sight to see.

The wind picked up just enough
to blow the smoke out of the
way to see the flames

Planes contiunously flying by
 dropping retardant or water

4th of July evening and it was still burning strong

Update: I guess the fire was started by a track hoe doing some construction near the rodeo grounds. The fire burned about 2000 acres and was still burning very fast and hot as of last night (July 4th) but this morning it rained and put most of the fire out. It is still burning in a few little spots but that rain truly helped and was an answer to all of our prayers!

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