Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Julia's New Profession? Talent?

When Julia was a little smaller she loved to get into the utensil draw and line up all the measuring cups and spoons and just play with the bowls all day long. I got tired of washing them everyday so my mom bought Julia her own set of utensils awhile back. Lately, Julia will want to watch what I am cooking for dinner or whenever I use the 'big' mixer she loves to watch and add ingredients to the bowl. I usually give her the spoon afterwords to try out our creations. Most of the time she will come out to see what I am doing and say "up" so I have to lift her up to see what I am making. If something is in the microwave she loves to push the buttons or open the door for me when the buzzer goes off. So anyway, the last few days or so she will want to play with her utensils by saying, "cook, cook" she will proceed to get out a few big mugs or bowls and mix the pretend creation in her bowl. And while she is mixing them she will say, "cooking, cooking." I like to ask her what she is making and it will usually be cookies. The other day I put my apron on her and then asked her what she was making today and she actually said fish?? I think because she actually was stirring up her goldfish crackers in the bowl. Its so neat to see her mimick the things I do each day. What a great capacity to learn. I admire the minds of these young children so willing to learn and eager to try new things.

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