Julia was excited for Christmas Eve because she was able to finally open a present. She would ask me everyday..'Mom can we open presents today?' And of course I would have to say no and that we have to wait a few more days. So she was surprised that she got new Christmas Pj's to wear. She ran to put them on!
Christmas morning we spent at our house. We actually had to wake Julia up to get the festivites started. She came out quietly and looked under the tree. Santa brought her the train set she asked for and she played with it all morning long! It was exciting to watch Julia this year. She really understood everything that was going on and wanted to help everyone open all their presents! It was Christmas overload for her but she enjoyed every minute of it and as a parent it was so fun to see her excitment!
Julia's favorite new train set!
Layne gets his "Green Clean Machine'
After a little breakfast we headed over to my parents for Christmas day! It was pure mayhem but so fun! All the kids just ripped into all their gifts and then we sent them to play while the adults just took their time. We ate till we were stuffed and played until we were completely exhausted. We had such a great Christmas with everyone and it was so nice to have everyone there!
All the kids enjoying their spoils!
Kasey and Royce giddy with the Christmas spirit!
Ripping open everything in sight!

Layne and Royce getting ready to DANCE!
The next day we headed up in a little snow storm to have Christmas with the Cromwell's. We made it safe and sound and were able to have a wonderful few days with all of Layne's family. We had a wonderful dinner and then opened presents. Again, the kids had a great time ripping open presents as fast they could! It always so wonderful to get together with Layne's family and have everyone there. We don't get to have all of us together very often but when we do its always a party. I always look forward to Christmas so we can catch up and visit with each other. We weren't able to stay as long as we wanted to but we had a wonderful time! Julia loves to play with all her cousins and she always has a hard time leaving when we have to come home!
I love this time of year! Its a time for reflection for all that we have been given. Its a time to gather with friends and family! Its a time to remember the TRUE meaning of Christmas! To LOVE and to SERVE as HE truly did! May we always have the spirit of Christmas in our hearts!