Tuesday, May 31, 2011

36 years

It was a great Birthday Celebration this year. Yesterday my family helped me celebrate by taking me to lunch at Olive Garden....it was so good! I waited all day to eat so it tasted EXTRA good! Then we browsed a few stores before I went over to my parents to open a few gifts. They had balloons for me and I got a few new things I asked for. The surprise of the day was the new camera they pitched in to get me....I had asked for one only hoping to receive one.....but it was a great surprise. Now I just need to learn how to use it :)

Today was a fun day as well. Julia came in and told me Happy Birthday and kept saying it to me all day. I was nice to hear :) Layne went to work for a few hours but I met him at work to go have some fun! Layne has been playing racquetball at the rec-center in the mornings and I have always wanted to play. So I thought it would be something fun and new to try out. I can usually pick things up pretty quickly but  racquetball kicked my butt.....I know I will be sore tomorrow. Layne went easy on me and kept giving my tips and helps along the way. It was fun to play with him and hopefully we can go often so I can get better at it. Its a great way to exercise and after today I have realized just how out of shape I am. After we played we went to eat at a little place called Cafe Paesan. Its like Cafe Rio but with Italian food. Either I was just starving or the food really was pretty good. I enjoyed it and would definitely go back!

Came home and we had a little cake and gifts from Layne and Julia :) They made the day really special and it was nice to spend time with Layne and the kids! I hope the next 36 years are as just eventfully as the first....I'm sure they will be!


Cromwell Birthday Song!

Making a wish!

A few new things!

A Happy Family!

Julia got a hold of the camera.....I love Layne's face!

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