Friday, May 25, 2012

Last Day of Pre-School

Well, it was Julia's last day of pre-school today. I can't believe it! The school year flew by. I remember taking her on her 1st day and it seems like so long ago.

Julia was super excited to go today because it was her circus party. All the teachers dressed up like clowns and they played games and had popcorn. She got a big hug from her teacher when she left. As we walked out to the car Julia said "I'm going to miss school and my teacher."

Mrs. Moberly and Julia
Julia's teacher kept a little journal of a few different things they did through out the year and we looked through it when we got home. In the inside cover Julia had a graduation certificate for passing the 4 year old program at her school. Its amazing what she has learned over the last nine months. She has gotten so good at writing her first and last name and just writing letters and numbers. She has learned to cut paper and use glue really well. She knows all her shapes and colors.

School journal
And the best part of it all is that she is already reading. I can't believe how much she knows. The trick will be to keep her reading through the summer. But I am so excited for her and how much she has learned. Her teacher said she does very well at listening to instructions, staying on task, and reading. She very much looks for approval to see if she has done her work correctly and is not afraid to make mistakes and keep trying.

The book she is currently working on

I asked her a few questions and here are Julia's answers:

What did you like most about school?
*painting, coloring and writing my name

What did you like most about your teacher?
*she is beautiful, pretty and I love my teacher

What will you miss most about school?
*my teacher and friends

Who are some of your friends?
*Addison, Taybree, Hannah, Keira, and Jack

I'm so proud of you Julia! WAY TO GO!

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